This wrap up post is a little different from previous years. For one, its late. This was my busiest season to date, however nothing short of incredible. Secondly, I chose not to include portraits from every session or wedding that I was a part of. Mostly because this post shouldn’t be a summary of every weekend and it truly would be overwhelming for the viewer, but a collection of images that I feel represent me as an artist, as an individual, and as a photographer.
Over the last year I have had the opportunity to witness love in all of its forms all across the country. Traveling to Savannah, Chicago, New York City, Washington DC, Tampa, Virginia, New Jersey, all the way north to Palmer, Alaska and of course throughout the great state of Michigan. Hanging out on family farms, on top of mountains, aboard pirate ships, and even had a front row seat at the circus celebration. Witnessing dozens of nuptials, brand new babies, and couples madly in love and excited for their upcoming weddings.
It was a year of growth. Of continuing to fine tune the legacy that I hope to leave behind. Of creating beyond tradition and focusing on the raw. Many of these photographs would not win an award for composition or perfect focus, however while scrolling through thousands of pictures, the images that make up this collection are the images that forced me to pause.
The Most Joy, 2018.