This feels like a bit of a strange time to be reflecting on the previous season. Maybe because I am behind in organizing and sharing this post, but likely because of the current state of the world we live in. Many are facing hardship and the space around us just feels heavy. It is hard to imagine these times of togetherness in our near future and as the realities of the what lies ahead become more uncertain, this collection serves as a reminder of gratitude, of connection, and of love.
Another year has passed. Another year with the honor of witnessing these special days. The briefest moments frozen in time. Thousands of images and these are just the select few that I hope represent the work that represents me, the work that I am still the most proud of.
I’ve taken portraits on top of mountains and in the middle of rock river beds. Portraits of the most beautiful table scapes and ceremony set ups. Of gorgeous gowns and fancy shoes. But these are the images that stay with me. The ones that I can feel deep in my guts. When I look at them, I can hear the words you are saying to each other, the sound of your laughter and the racing of your hearts. These are the photographs that can tell the whole story in just one frame.